March 21, 2015 - Author: Omonioboli - 31 CommentsIn recent times I have been thinking about having a baby…apart from the fact that my husband doesn’t want another child, (I am sure if I press him he will grudgingly approve. You know how women know how to have their way! Shhhh…don’t tell him) I’m not even sure I have the energy to go through 9 months actually 10 months if you get to full term cos 40 weeks is 10 months and not 9! I don’t think after 10 years (my last son is 10 in a few days) I can handle all the sleepless nights.
Oh wait! I do know how to tackle sleepless nights! You see when I had my first son, I didn’t have even one good night sleep for 6 months! I breastfed him exclusively for 6 months! And he was one hungry baby! He woke up every hour through the night and as a result, I was half asleep during the day everyday. My second son, I breastfed exclusively for 4 months and started giving him little meals in addition to breast milk from 5 months. By my 3rd son, I learnt a trick! I learnt how to make baby sleep through the night and it worked like magic from the very first night I tried it! I have taught it to scores of women in the last 10 years and it has 100% success rate!
Ladies and gentlemen…I present… ‘Robbing Peter To Pay Paul’ (How to make baby sleep through the night)
From 5pm, make sure baby stays awake no matter what. Play with baby, read to baby, do whatever but don’t let baby sleep. I repeat, do not let baby sleep. Feed baby on demand (if breastfeeding exclusively) or feed baby according to feeding schedule. Make sure baby is very full and then by 10pm give baby a soothing bath. If you have chamomile bath products, night time is the best time to use them. After a nice bath, give baby a massage. So there are ways to massage a baby with baby oil. Start with laying baby on his back. Massage in circular gentle motions, baby’s chest, belly, arms, legs, fingers, toes and even baby’s face. Turn him unto his belly and repeat massage. You should massage for at least 30 minutes and every inch of his body should be covered. If he’s still awake by the time you are done, feed him one last time and he should fall asleep right after. That’s it! He should sleep for about 6 hours or more! Please don’t mind my using ‘he’ all the time, I’m a mother of boys.
The first time I tried this technique, I was the one who didn’t get much sleep! My baby slept from about 11pm till almost 7am. I kept waking up to check if he was still breathing! Lol…
I seriously am considering another baby. I don’t know why I am brooding at the busiest period of my life so far but, it is what it is. I want a ‘mini me’. A cute little princess that I can leave all my bags to…you know I love bags right? Lol! The problem is, I think I missed the ‘how to have a baby girl’ class so if you know any fool proof natural sex selection methods, please share while I consider. Thanks
I hope this helps someone. As always, I appreciate your feedback. Even when I can’t answer, cos it can get crazy busy sometimes, I read your comments and I love them! Keep them coming!
Love always and keep smiling!.
Categories: Uncategorized
Discussion (31 Comments)
Oh wow congrats dear on all your achievements. Am an urhobo lady, so i see u as my sister, i always advise couples just be content with whatever sex God gives u, what if u hv another boy? U may feel depressed, so just let sleeping dogs lie
Thanks for the hints Omoni. It will be difficult for me to implement this technique now, excerpt in summer. I will try it then.
She definitely will av more boys shud she kip trying. I ain’t God but trust me it’s wa it is
Hmmmm, a cute little princess wouldn’t be a bad idea @ all. I can only imagine how she’d look#angelic
When trying for a baby girl,try at least two weeks before your next period.this has been tested and proven,the Y or male chromosome travels at a relatively fast rate and also dies. Faster than the X or female chromosome which travels relatively slower. So while the Y dies in about three days the X can survive for about two weeks which will most likely be around your next ovulation period if the egg is fertilized then it if definately a girl. Looking forward to a mini you *winks*
Errrm….will be waiting for my reply when it works
This method is almost fool proof, more so when you and your hubby have done an agreement prayer. (Matthew 18 verse 19.)Just like boys are, the male sperm has speed but no longevity. The female sperm is slow and steady. (like “dey rush go, may I dey do my jeje. Na me go win”). If you are good at calculating your cycle, then you will known around the time you ovulate. ( if you have a clockwork cycle like I do). To have a boy,have sex the day you are ovulating. Because the male sperm swims fast,it will get to the egg before the female sperm. To have a girl, you have sex like three, four days before you ovulate. This is because both the female and male sperm will be released. but, before the egg is released the male sperm will have died off as they have a shorter life span. The female sperm is tenacious. Though it is slower,it has longevity and will still be there when the egg comes. Now when you do this method, no more sex until way past your ovulation so there isn’t any male sperm that will swim fast and get there.
I should know this works as I was taught and I have a boy and girl. But seal it with prayers
Go for it. You want it and God will give you your heart’s desire.
Wow! Thanks
You are just my best actress, always looking forward to ur movies. Pls keep it up. I admire ur hard work and ur lovely family. Guess other actress should learn from you, success without home is failure.
more likely to conceive a girl if…
You have sex earlier on in your cycle, a few days before your day of ovulation. This is because female sperm are thought to be stronger and therefore last longer than male sperm, who will die off before reaching the egg.
Your partner reaches orgasm before you.
You have sex frequently to lower your partner’s sperm count, and so increase the chances of the female sperm reaching the egg first.
You keep penetration shallow.
You stop having unprotected sex four to five days before ovulation, to minimise the chances of the male sperm reaching the egg first.
Your partner keeps his genitals warm by wearing close-fitting underwear and tight trousers (although this isn’t likely to do his general fertility any good!)
You suggested the love-making.
You make love in the afternoon.
You make love on even days of the month.
You put a wooden spoon under your bed and a pink ribbon under your pillow.
You drink plenty of milk and eat dairy products such as cheese and yoghurt, unsalted foods, rice, pasta, certain vegetables, mineral water, limited amounts of meat and potatoes, but avoid salt and any salty foods, wine and beer, fresh fruit, spinach, tomatoes and mushrooms, chocolate, coffee and tea.
Some of these techniques are recommended as part of the Shettles method of sex selection. Find out What the scientists say about this and other methods.
Ok so now I know why that was sent to me by error yesterday, it was meant for you!
Thanks for the advice, I am 4 months pregnant after almost 10yrs like you.
I’ve been worried sick cause I seem to have forgotten everything.
Thanks for the tip you’ve given above, it’s so noted!
Have a good one
Wow! Good luck with the pregnancy.
[…] shared her thoughts on her personal blog in an article titled ‘Robbing Peter to Pay Paul […]
[…] shared her thoughts on her personal blog in an article titled ‘Robbing Peter to Pay Paul […]
[…] shared her thoughts on her personal blog in an article titled ‘Robbing Peter to Pay Paul […]
[…] shared her thoughts on her personal blog in an article titled ‘Robbing Peter to Pay Paul […]
Beautiful omoni u are filled with wisdom and I admire and love you .
Dear Omoni, love your articles. Am also praying to God for a female child. God bless you.
lwkm @u were checking if he was still breathing!!! seriously tho,i learn a whole lot from u,and dats because u are willing to share.d reallness with which u speak irrespective of ur public figure,is commendable,i mean dats d point. plus seriously tho,i think u should try for a girl.its now,or never,and d clock is ticking. better late than Never u kno.just pray,and believe.
Thanks for that tip!!! I hope it works for me cos lack of sleep and a 9 to 5 job don’t go together.
All well said omoni, it does work and that’s how I made my children sleep late and wake early latest by 7am. I have 2girls but want a boy but am scared after 8yrs, what’s the trick
Thanks for the tips .I have a 5 months old baby girl and we struggle with getting her to sleep every night. I will definitely try this out tonight. ..I pray it works tho…
Hmmmm…..very interesting. I know one sure way to have a girl child……Your Words! Seriously! You shall have what you say if you believe…..mark 11v23 and hebrews 11 v 3. You can talk to your reproductive system and that of your hubby to align itself with your desires. Have you little girl named after the word e.g Rhema! Anything is possible sis.
Hmmm…thanks love!
lol…aunty Omoni,i think u should have another baby…don’t u think your boys will want a baby sister??i will always pray to GOD,to grant you your heart desire.
Thanks dear
Found your internet site on Facebook, great post. Will share again.
Yeah got it thanks so much.I wish u all the best in life ma..hugs
my dear, all they ve suggested are good but God’s grace is d will have a baby girl,I wish u dat.
I wish u a baby girl,
D most beautiful-Omoli.